Can anyone help me learn german?
a s
2006-06-30 16:46:49 UTC
Can anyone help me learn german?
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Knowledge Seeker
2006-06-30 21:53:48 UTC
It is expensive, but I have tried the demo of Rosetta Stone German and it looks like a good immersive start for trying to learn German. I am using it now to learn Mandarin Chinese with some success.

A fun book for learning some very basic vocabulary (and I do mean just words) is German in 10 Minutes a Day. Don't expect to learn when to use der, die, den, das, but it does help with some very simple vocabulary.

A useful English German dictionary is:

I've also thought about getting children's books as a way to learn German:

You might also look for Deutsche Welle programs on your Satellite or Cable TV and you might listen to Deutsche Welle Internet radio programs.
2006-06-30 19:53:31 UTC
you will have to buy a book

for example the schüler duden isbn 3-441-222-7< this is the old version you will have to ask for the new one.

then you will need a dictionary english german german english the english version

there are much more unregulary verbs and so on more artikels....

then you will have to learn the words. and then you will have to buy a newspaper.

a newspaper for kids just as the bravo or so.

after half a year or so you should be able to follow the grammar.

after that you can try the grammar duden,

and the duden wörterbuch des guten stils . ..... and another newspaper.

simply ask your questions here....

the schüler duden rechtschreibung und wortkunde is used in german elementary school it contains about 15000 words

there are only 10% content you will never need and only very few necessary words missing.

2 and a half years or so.

Listening to mcs for children will help you to learn the most common irregularities. For example Grimms Märchen.
2006-06-30 16:57:40 UTC
It would be really difficult to teach someone german over the Internet. It`s hard enough to teach my own!

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